Résultats des sieges du 18/09

Oyez oyez restez donc accrochés à vos sieges, nous allons vous donner les resultats des sieges du 18 septembre (Oui, je l'avoue, elle etait facile). Selon les premiers rapports, la bataille fut féroce et c'est avec beaucoup de force et de volonté que certains chateaux sont tombés....

Saturday, 9/18


  • BlueDragonsII maintained control over Gludio.
  • At the end of a long battle, SoLofLineage1 captured Giran with the assistance of many allies.


  • WDBeta captured Gludio from TheFallenAngels.
  • Led by Kloud, Olympus2 captured Dion.


  • pwn retained control of Gludio with the support of their allies.

Sunday, 9/19:


  • ShadowsOfCarnage transfered ownership of Dion to SoC.
  • With a large defending force, Ginnunga retained control of Oren.


  • With little threat, LegendOfKnights maintained Giran.
  • DragonFire1 continued to hold Oren with no attempts of capture by enemy forces.


  • legacy stood unopposed in their ownership of Dion.
  • InnerCircle retained control of Oren with no threats of opposition.
Source : http://www.lineage2.com/news/news.html


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